once said that the greatest problem of the country after independence is
‘Heartless Intellectuals’. Looks like he was right!
Just look at our cities today. And also look at the people who live in the cities. These are ‘educated’ people. They speak ‘English’. A language that gives them a right to boost their ‘ego’ and treat someone from the countryside with disrespect. They work all day long; they have so many machines around them, yet they do not have any time to talk to their neighbors! Then, what do they do? Do they cook all day long, or they do household chores or agriculture? What do they exactly do?
make machines and sell machines! Machines that eventually help them to handle
their daily lives. Be it travelling, cooking, mopping or talking, they have
machines for everything! They have lost their touch with Mother Nature. They
hardly touch grass or step on soil anymore. They have become so ‘independent’
that the only thing they are dependent on is a few pieces of paper called
‘money’. In fact, now they have devised ways to not hold even these papers;
instead they now use ‘digital currency’. They can now ‘buy’ almost everything.
They don’t need people around themselves, at least that is how they feel.
what cost have they paid for becoming so much ‘developed’. Well, they have lost
their ‘hearts’. They no longer connect with human beings or ‘nature’ around
them. They see everything in terms of money. If their security guard needs
money for his daughter’s wedding, they lend it for sure, but charge ‘interest’
on the principle. They need someone to boost their ‘ego’ on constant basis, and
they also need someone who can be abused to overcome frustration. They believe
that littering is their human right and ‘dirty people from countryside’ should
be ‘employed’ to handle their ‘garbage’. They do not hesitate to play with the
laws of Nature when they pollute the environment, fields, water and soil in the
name of ‘entertainment’ and ‘mass production’.
they also believe that the villagers need to follow their footsteps. They love
to control people. They love to build systems for them. They want them to get
educated just the way they did! Looks like, they want them to lose their
‘hearts’ as well.
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