Money is one of the ideal examples of selfless serving. It serves you when you need it the most. It does not expect anything in return, no gratitude, no recognition. It does not even expect you to remember it in its physical form. It just comes, serves and leaves you. Pure serving.
No matter how much you crave for it. It shall come only when it is supposed to come. It shall come only that much which is supposed to come. It has no relation with the timings of your ‘karmas’ (actions). It has its own timings. It shall serve maximum people before coming to you, and it shall leave you right on time to serve as many more people as it can... what a way to serve... what a way to maximize one’s potential.
Do find yourself poor? Do you crave for more money inspite of having fat bank accounts? How do we get more money? The answer is simple- be friends with money. For all friends on this planet follow one simple rule- they serve each other. You become friends with money and it shall serve you in abundance. It shall help you realize your purpose if you help it to realize its’. You facilitate it to serve people by passing it on on time, and it shall not create any hindrance in your path to spiritual awakening.
Become friends! You both are seeking one thing! You both are ONE! Brahma!
Never thought in this way. Wow!!!